cosmetic surgery

Before & After Gallery

Delivering Solutions from Discovery Through Development

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Before and After

Smartlipo TriPlex

Before and After

Agnes RF

Before and After


Before and After


Before and After

Laser Lipo Neck Lift

3 months before and after Laser Lipo treatment
3 months before and after Laser Lipo treatment
Before and After

Dermal Fillers & Neurotoxins

Before and After

KYBELLA Neck Fat Treatment

Sex: F | Age: 39
Weight (before): 125 lbs. | Weight (after): 130 lbs.
Sex: F | Age: 39
Weight (before): 209.8 lbs. | Weight (after): 214.6 lbs.
Sex: F | Age: 55
Weight (before): 150.3 lbs. | Weight (after): 150.3 lbs.
Sex: F | Age: 34
Weight (before): 134 lbs.| Weight (after): 135.2 lbs.
Before and After

Facial Resurfacing

Before and After

Hair Restoration

Before and After

Laser and IPL Treatments

IPL Treatment
IPL Treatment
IPL Treatment
IPL Treatment
Laser Genesis for Acne Scarring
Facial Vein Treatment: Nasal Area
Cherry Angioma; after one treatment
IPL Treatment
Facial Vein Treatment: Cheek Area
Leg Vein Treatment: Posterior Thigh
Laser Leg Vein Treatment; after one treatment
Cherry Angioma
Cherry Angioma
Before and After

Diamond Glow

Before and After


Before and After

Scarlet SRF

Face, Neck, and Chest treated with Scarlet RF (3 treatments)
Face, Neck, and Chest treated with Scarlet RF (3 treatments)
Scar Treatment with Scarlet
Face, Neck, and Chest treated with Scarlet RF (3 treatments)
Face, Neck, and Chest treated with Scarlet RF (3 treatments)
Face, Neck, and Chest treated with Scarlet RF (3 treatments)

Request a Consultation

QnA Cosmetic Surgery is dedicated to serving our New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Northshore communities. To schedule your Smartlipo consultation with one of our board certified dermatologists, contact QnA Cosmetic Surgery today!