Downsizing in Minutes

Often our imaginations are filled with "what if" and "if only," but every so often fantasy becomes reality. What if excessive fat deposits could be melted away by a 25 minute treatment with no needles, no suction, no freezing, no compression garments, and no recovery time? The reality of such a treatment is now here with the first FDA-approved non-invasive fat reduction laser treatment called SculpSure™ which eliminates on average 24% of subcutaneous treated fat.*

SculpSure™ uses a specific wavelength of laser energy which safely bypasses the skin to kill fat cells underneath with little or no discomfort.* A belt is fastened around the waist with up to four pads positioned over the treatment areas. The patient then lies down for just 25 minutes while listening to music or watching TV. Afterwards, the patient walks out with no compression garment, no pain, and no restrictions. Results are evident in 8-12 weeks.*

"What if" has now become a reality thanks to the advanced body sculpting technology of SculpSure™.

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