C’mon Man!

After frequent comments about my looking tired or over-worked or under-slept, I relented. Under the guise of “trying neurotoxin and filler products on myself so I can better tell patients what to expect,” I first injected a facial filler to replace the lost volume which caused my laxity and wrinkles.* After seeing so many patients love their “Botox brow lifts,” I then injected just a tiny droplet under each of my brows.

What was the result? I had smoother, fuller cheeks with a more distinctly contoured jaw line and alert eyes without my upper lids resting upon my lashes.* In other words, I went from tired and aging to a more rested and youthful look in just a matter of minutes.*

So for the aging man who can spend 20 minutes to take years off his face and desires to look more like he feels, do what I did… and still do.* Try age-defying injectable treatments.

Do you really thing Hollywood’s leading man stay naturally younger-looking and strikingly chiseled as the years go by? C’mon man!

Robert Benson, MD
American Board Certified Dermatologist
Dermatological Surgeon and Cosmetic Surgeon

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