20 Minute Makeovers

How long does it take to eliminate a double chin or neck wattle or dark, crepey circles under the eyes or sunken cheeks where full, youthful cheeks once were?
Believe it or not, the answer is twenty minutes.

But the most amazing benefit is how one-third of an hour can transform one's self-image.
The pictures adjacent to this article are a great example of this transformative aspect of cosmetic surgery. At one time, such procedures required huge expenditures, general anesthesia in the hospital, weeks of recovery, and scarring. For this reason, few could or would avail themselves of these life-changing treatments. Just as fast food and e-shopping have revolutionized everyday life, the expanded use of local anesthesia techniques, lasers, and volumizing fillers can take years of sags and wrinkles away from a face or neck literally within minutes. This, in turn, restores or instills untold measures of confidence, a feeling of well-being, and can even spark romance because how we look greatly influences our interactions with each other. Framing the face by redefining the jawline and reducing neck sagging along with restoring cheek volume is affordable with minimal downtime and maximal gratification!

Robert Benson, MD
American Board Certified Dermatologist
Dermatological Surgeon and
Cosmetic Surgeon

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